OBJ Vertex Export
  • any chance the script could go the other way so you create nulls from Plexus points or attach an AE null to an OBJ vertex?
  • Hi Andy
    I already started to write  the OBJ-Vertex-import script but it is not done yet. Grab the draft (attached to this post) for the script and let me know what happens.  

    I would be interested in:  

    - how you exported the OBJ (which app and so on)
    - any errors


  • Hi, 

    I do have same question with andy want the reverse way to create nulls from OBJ vertex. And I download your test script and tried on my project. It works ok althought AfterEffects prompt script alert. Can I ask for a bit more? I want to extract the OBJ sequence. So, it means all the null with key frames. Is that possible? Many thanks! :)

  • Hi Fai,

    did you try the already published script OBJ Vertex Export? https://aescripts.com/obj-vertex-export/
  • Hi Fabian,

    I did try the OBJ Vertex Export. It exports the null obj to vertex obj file(s).
  • Hi Fabian,

    I try to import an OBJ seq to After Effects and wanna extract some vertex data and modified it with expression. That's why I need vertex to null object. 

    and will using with plexus2 plugin too.
  • Unfortunately the importer is not done yet. I'm working on a major update for Locations.jsx and AEMap.jsx whenever I have the time. When they are done I'll look into OBJ import/export but it still will take some time until I'm done with it. 
  • Thanks anyway, Look forward hearing OBJ import/export publish soon.
  • hi Fabian,
    can C4D import this .obj files?
  • Good question. Did you try it? I don't know. It is just basic .obj so it would be strange if it doesn't work
  • OkFabian , I'm starting with Plexus and C4D and my  C4D license is only valid on my desktop. So, if I try it will be after the holidays.
  • Well then. Have a nice holiday.
  • Hi Fabian,
    I tested Obj Export Vertex with Aftereffects CC2015.3 and Plexus3/Facets rendered. The  .obj file obtained (91bytes) is not visible in Elements 2 or in Cineware. Had you a .obj file from Obj vertex Export for testing?
  • Hi Andres, 

    Yes. These obj files are pretty rudimentary. They only contain points. Element 3D needs faces to display something. Looks like C4D does the same. Plexus can render them and I think Blender also.  
  • Hi Andres, 

    Yes. These obj files are pretty rudimentary. They only contain points. Element 3D needs faces to display something. Looks like C4D does the same. Plexus can render them and I think Blender also.  
    I tried with a more complex plexus layer with many facetts and the result is the same. During installation, Aescripts indicates a incomplatibility with Aftereffects (CC2015.3)
  • Ähm. Just to be clear. Are you trying to export a plexus layer to obj with the script? The script takes normal AE 2D/3D layers as input and outputs obj files with a vertex for their location. It can't export OBJ from a Plexus layer.  

    I tested it with Plexus 3 and AE CC 2015.3 and it works as it is supposed too.
  • I added a zip with a test comp.
  • I Fabian, 
    Thank you for the test file.
    I'm afraid I do not understand the Obj Vertex Export use because I do not speak any English.
    Your file is visible in import and export in Aftereffects but it has no face, it contains only points. I use a primitive with Plexus facets effector and export .obj is not usable in Elements or C4D. I stop test 
    I stop testing to understand what use I could make of your script.

  • Bueno. El script no es para exportar algo de Plexus. Es para exportar normal planos de AE (solo loas X y Y pontos de la mitad) a un .obj fichero. Despues puedus usar lo para crear una nube de puntos con Plexus.

  • Bueno. El script no es para exportar algo de Plexus. Es para exportar normal planos de AE (solo loas X y Y pontos de la mitad) a un .obj fichero. Despues puedus usar lo para crear una nube de puntos con Plexus.
    Ahora entiendo mejor con eso del Brexit comprendo de menos en menos el inglés :0) Esta claro que lo habia entedido al revés. No tengo utilizacion con el proyecto actual pero algun dia me sera util.
    Gracias por tu paciencia en tratar de entender mis mensajes en ingle de pacotillaglegoo;0)