Lloyd Alvarez

Lloyd Alvarez
Last Active
Administrator, Author


  • James Lee
    Hey Lloyd, I'm testing out BGrender and trying to get the most out of it. I'm currently working on a PC with 64GB ram and 20 cores and can only get it to render on 16cores. When I check the performance of each core, it seems that BGrenderer is only allocating around 1,5gb ram per core. Is there anyway to bump up the performance, or am I overlooking something. Thanks, James
    October 2014
  • Joe Roberts
    Hey Lloyd, just wanted to say thank you for the layers2Grid script. It's been a life saver. Thank you.Joe
    October 2014
  • Björn Syse
    Hi Lloyd. How can I post in the "correct product discussion". I don't know this forum had categories,.
    July 2014
  • Fred Kolman
    Hello Lloyd, usually your BG render Pro is a big help in my workflow but for the last 24 hours i have this problem I cannot get my head around. After launching BGrender Pro I read the usual lines but after Using DXGI: Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 has dedicated video RAM (mb): 2019aerender Error: After Effects error: Unable to call openfast because of parameter 1. Path is not valid. Path: B:\TLM\test.aep No matter where I save my AEproject file I keep getting this message I even replaced the BG script file inside the scripts folder in AE but upon relaunch I get the same problem. I do not know where the config info for the script is stored maybe I have to look there to find out more? What to do? Regards, Fred Kolman
    May 2014
  • lee miller
    Hi Lloyd, just wanted to send a link to a Stereo 3D toolkit tutorial that uses a lots of toys from aescripts. Hope you like it and I will post part two soon, cheers Lee Miller http://thedudeabides.ie/index.php/portfolio/2014-irish-innovation-awards/
    May 2014
  • david martinez
    hi Lloyd, i have a problem wtih your escripts audio to makers....i´ve change the language , but when i create a new layer audio amplitude, doing nothing...it´s possible that i need a new upgrade?
    March 2014
  • Timo Meierdreeß
    Hey! I bought your LCDEffect Script and I'm loving it so far! But there is one problem I have. Whenever I try to render something with your LCD script on, it looks like this: http://s7.directupload.net/file/d/3472/y8srd3kx_png.htm Just for comparison, normally it looks like this: http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/3472/6cytyw6l_png.htm I'm looking forward to hearing from you ;)
    December 2013
  • Ray Frake
    I've tried several times to create a 3D box, but when I do as the demo shows I should do, the various sides of the box just get placed randomly in 3D space with none of the sides even close to touching each other. Any idea how to fix this issue. Thanks.
    August 2013