- Compatibility After Effects
Lovelo - Animated Typeface
Lovelo is an animated sans serif typeface with flow. The design is bold with clean and geometric features. The animated version of Lovelo has 6 individually customizable strokes along the outlines. With 64 customizable parameters you can achieve an infinite amount of eye catching styles.Order 4 or more Animography Animated Typefaces and save 25%
$40.00 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Haywire - Animated Typeface
Haywire is an easy-going monoline animated typeface with simple but vibrant animations. The design is partly based on a grid, and partly eyeballed. Order 4 or more Animography Animated Typefaces and save 25%
- Compatibility After Effects
Cappuccino - Animated Typeface
Fun, bold and energetic. Cappuccino is an animated display typeface with geometric animations that feel almost liquid. But still foamy, like a good cappuccino is supposed to be. Order 4 or more Animography Animated Typefaces and save 25%
$22.00 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Easily create pixel mappings for your VJ performances in After Effects & Export it to Resolume!Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Basic Space - Animated Typeface
Basic Space is an experimental display typeface with geometric elements. Order 4 or more Animography Animated Typefaces and save 25%
$30.00 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Render Frame at Markers
Will send to the render queue any frames that are marked by layer markers that are within the comp work area. This would be equivalent to going to a point in time in your comp and selecting "Save Frame As->File"
$14.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Adds markers, splits a layer or adds a new text layer with incrementing numbers based on audio intensity.
- Compatibility After Effects
Add Edit Markers
Will add Layer or Comp markers at the in and out points of the selected layers in a comp.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
TypeMonkey Hebrew Text Modifier
This "Text Mod" allows you to use Hebrew text in TypeMonkey, pt_ImportSubtitles, pt_OpenSesame and pt_OpenSesame Server. Please note that you need to own one of those products in order to use this add on.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Create quick, and easy advance wave based motion on any layer in 2D or 3D. For, anything that needs to move.
- Compatibility After Effects
3D Extruder
3D Extruder makes light work of creating high-quality 3D extrusions in After Effects.
3D Extruder is now compatible with CS6 and above!
- Compatibility After Effects
Read and print SMPTE linear timecode (LTC) from audio. NOTE: Only Mac version is currently available. Windows version will be coming soon in the future.