- Compatibility After Effects
Story Boarding
Import any screenplay right into After Effects. Use it as a context tool while working on your scene, or to create an animated storyboard, previz, animatic, and much more depending on your project pipeline. Fast & efficient, it will boost your creativity, and your pre-production pipeline. #devforacause 25% of the proceedings will go to the Child's Play Charity http://www.childsplaycharity.org/Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Array makes things much easier for you when you need to duplicate layers a lot of times or change the basic properties of selected layers.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Duplicate with Connections
Make a copy of a layer and link all its properties to the original using expressions.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Path Duplicator
Path Duplicator duplicates your layer along a path.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Malcolm in the center
Place any object in the complete center of two points in 3D spaceAdd to Cart -
- Compatibility Cinema 4d
ArabicText C4D
Enter Arabic Text from right to left with proper medial letterforms directly into Cinema 4D as a text object or vector.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
ToDo Lite
A simple to do list that runs as a dockable panel in After Effects.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Manipulate keyframes and property channels precisely in a compact UI.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Construction - Make 3D Buildings in After Effects
Construction allows you to make cities and buildings in After Effects easily.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
XML Gibson
XML Gibson is a script that allows you to export your composition to XML files.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Takes a layer in your comp and breaks it into pieces. You choose the size of the pieces, whether to animate in order or random, and how long you want the transition to take.Add to Cart