- Compatibility After Effects
Flip Aspect Ratio
Quickly flip the aspect ratio of the selected comp(s) with a single click!Add to Cart -
- Compatibility Davinci Resolve
Simple Mix DCTL
Ultimate RGB Mixer for DaVinci Resolve, which mixes depending on pixels' luma or saturation, like Lift Gamma Gain Offset, but to mix. And keeps the sum of channels equals 1.Add to CartTry out the free demo version.
- Compatibility After Effects
Easily cycle between every version of your footage.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Layers Pro
Manipulate layers, compositions, properties and effects globally throughout the project!
- Compatibility After Effects
Copy Mattes
Copy Mattes allows you to copy a specific layer’s track matte and paste it to one, or to multiple other layers.
- Compatibility After Effects
Neat Freak
Set After Effects UI elements project-wide. Great for sharing projects or Template authors!
$14.99 -
- Compatibility After Effects
Select the compositions you want to organize, and simply hit the button. OrganizerPro analyzes and sorts your project panel according to your selection and settings, all with just one click! Compositions, precompositions, images, videos, and audios are easily extracted from chaotic project files, while unnecessary items are moved into a separate folder. Share your presets with your team using a simple file, without disrupting anyone's workflow.
- Compatibility Photoshop
BBTools Tiler 4
Plugin for Adobe Photoshop that makes tiles and seamless textures.
- Compatibility After Effects
Groups and Toggles
Pre-composing layers in After Effects is unavoidable at times, but now you can access pre-composed layers to create mattes, rearrange layer order, embed mattes in MOGRTs, or add multiple MOGRT versions in one file all while keeping your project procedural.
- Compatibility After Effects
Text Split and Animate
Instantly create multiple text layers with animation.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Voyager - Animated Typeface
A modern day sans serif typeface, inspired by the Swiss style of typography.
Order 4 or more Animography Typefaces and save 25%. -