- Compatibility After Effects
Manipulate keyframes and property channels precisely in a compact UI.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Story Boarding
Import any screenplay right into After Effects. Use it as a context tool while working on your scene, or to create an animated storyboard, previz, animatic, and much more depending on your project pipeline. Fast & efficient, it will boost your creativity, and your pre-production pipeline. #devforacause 25% of the proceedings will go to the Child's Play Charity http://www.childsplaycharity.org/Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Quickly setup and retime animations by triggering animations inside a precomp using layer markers. Easily create Trigger comps, add markers, and trigger animations from inside a precomp . Turn your linear workflow into an automated event based workflow, allowing you to non-destructively retime complex animations, easily test out multiple versions of an animation, and sequence together multiple animation events easily from your global composition.
- Compatibility After Effects
Add Edit Markers
Will add Layer or Comp markers at the in and out points of the selected layers in a comp.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Automated Video Editing for After Effects
Automated Video Editing automates the whole video editing process synced to music in After Effects.
- Compatibility After Effects
Auto Transition Builder
Add different transitions to a large number of layers in a very short period of time. Automate and speed up your video editing process!
- Compatibility After Effects
Coco Color CoWorker
Your Handy Color Coworker in After Effects.
- Compatibility After Effects
Storyboard Maker
Storyboard Maker is an extension that lets you create storyboards directly in After Effects.
- Compatibility After Effects
Trim Comp to Contents
Trim or extend comp duration to fit layer contents.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Layer Force
Premiere Auto Paste New Feature in v1.1.Instantly generate modern transitions and slideshows based on 19 styles. Sync animations with audio and text voiceovers. Run it fully automatic or setup as you like.
- Compatibility After Effects
Easily re-time comps by selecting layers based on the play-head position. Choosing the selection scope as all layers or specific layer types with the ability to restrict your selection to the Workspace. Then shift selected layers together.Add to Cart