- Compatibility After Effects
Coco Color CoWorker
Your Handy Color Coworker in After Effects.
- Compatibility After Effects
Auto Transition Builder
Add different transitions to a large number of layers in a very short period of time. Automate and speed up your video editing process!
- Compatibility After Effects
Automated Video Editing for After Effects
Automated Video Editing automates the whole video editing process synced to music in After Effects.
- Compatibility After Effects
Add Edit Markers
Will add Layer or Comp markers at the in and out points of the selected layers in a comp.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Quickly setup and retime animations by triggering animations inside a precomp using layer markers. Easily create Trigger comps, add markers, and trigger animations from inside a precomp . Turn your linear workflow into an automated event based workflow, allowing you to non-destructively retime complex animations, easily test out multiple versions of an animation, and sequence together multiple animation events easily from your global composition.
- Compatibility After Effects
Story Boarding
Import any screenplay right into After Effects. Use it as a context tool while working on your scene, or to create an animated storyboard, previz, animatic, and much more depending on your project pipeline. Fast & efficient, it will boost your creativity, and your pre-production pipeline. #devforacause 25% of the proceedings will go to the Child's Play Charity http://www.childsplaycharity.org/Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Manipulate keyframes and property channels precisely in a compact UI.Add to Cart