Stock Footage
- Compatibility After Effects
Animated Emojis in After Effects!
Searchable | Loopable | Lottie compatible
Make animated or still emojis with 1 click -
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Photoshop
- Compatibility Illustrator
Icon Library
Now with Favorites, Recents, Custom SVGs, and new libraries! 47,543 icons from popular open source libraries, now available in After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop as native shape layers.
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Photoshop
- Compatibility Premiere
- Compatibility Illustrator
Stock Search Pro
Search and download unlimited free stock assets directly from any Creative Cloud application.
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
LetsMotion Bundle
Save 25% on LetsMotion Bundle, featuring bestsellers and our latest & greatest: Subtitle Pro, Stock Search Pro, and Particle Pro
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
- Compatibility Final Cut Pro
- Compatibility Cinema 4d
- Compatibility Nuke
PQ Art Parts
PQ Art Parts is a library of handmade transitions, a lot of frames for customizing the look of any layer, plus some useful elements like edges, individual brush strokes, bubbles and some lower thirds. Each Art-Part was lovingly painted, inked or sketched in multiples, shot in VERY high resolution, cleaned, then sequenced at either 12FPS or 24FPS. They're designed to bring arty character to any layer in After Effects.
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Photoshop
- Compatibility Premiere
PQ Grit Kit 2
Get down & dirty with PQ Grit Kit 2. Over 160 real, macro-photographed, animated, royalty-free high-resolution textures, designed for blending in After Effects, Nuke or even Adobe Premiere. Use as interesting luma mattes for type, shape layers or anything you want. Add real noise or grunge to footage or get crazy with displacement in Cinema 4D.
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Photoshop
- Compatibility Premiere
- Compatibility Cinema 4d
- Compatibility Nuke
Set Matte Texture Pack 02
High-quality moving textures designed for animation.
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Photoshop
- Compatibility Premiere
- Compatibility Cinema 4d
- Compatibility Nuke
Set Matte Texture Pack 01
High-quality moving textures designed for animation.
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
- Compatibility Final Cut Pro
- Compatibility Nuke
Spectra Collection One
Spectral light leak & bokeh footage.Add to Cart$99.00 -
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
- Compatibility Final Cut Pro
- Compatibility Nuke
8mm Distress Kit 4K CLASSIC
Light leaks, light sweeps, flashes and colors. Damage, dust, hairs, dots, dirt, scratches, grain, sprocket holes,splotches. 32 top quality scans from vintage 8mm cine film at stunning 3840 x 2160 4K resolution. Overlay on your footage and transitions to add a sexy flourish, a touch of grunge or get that totally messed-up look!
- Compatibility After Effects
- Compatibility Premiere
- Compatibility Final Cut Pro
- Compatibility Nuke
8mm Distress Kit 4K PREMIUM
Light leaks, light sweeps, flashes and colors. Damage, dust, hairs, dots, dirt, scratches, grain, sprocket holes,splotches. 64 top quality scans from vintage 8mm cine film at stunning 3840 x 2160 4K resolution. (includes all clips from 8mm Distress Kit 4K CLASSIC). Overlay on your footage and transitions to add a sexy flourish, a touch of grunge or get that totally messed-up look!
- Compatibility After Effects
Edgy Style Pack for Animation Composer
This product has been discontinued. You can now purchase all Mister Horse products through a single subscription plan.