- Compatibility After Effects
Crossphere Bokeh Render Only
Crossphere Bokeh Render Only License. This license can only be used on headless render machines using the command line renderer and you must own at least 1 full license of Crossphere Bokeh in order to purchase them. You can purchase a normal full Crossphere Bokeh license here.
- Compatibility After Effects
Power Hyperboloid
Draws a 3D Hyperboloid with power controls! Elliptic distortion, unfolding, rich shading, self shadowing, reflections, DOF and comp lights and camera.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Fractal Noise 3D
Create Fractal Noise in three dimensions! Very useful for integrating noise in 3D composites. It reacts to After Effects comp cameras and lights.Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Pixel Bender Accelerator
Runs Pixel Bender filters natively using the GPU of your video card. Besides making them run very fast it also means you can run pixel bender files in CS6 and above!Add to Cart -
- Compatibility After Effects
Power Droste
A multi-functional spiral deformation, Droste effect plug-in. 3D rotation, unroll, individually controlled and textured multi-strands, and extra deformation.
- Compatibility After Effects
Power Cylinder
A 3D Cylinder plugin with power controls! Elliptic distortion, unfolding, rich shading, self shadowing, reflections, DOF and comp lights and camera.
- Compatibility After Effects
Power Sphere
A 3D Sphere plugin with power controls! Elliptic distortion, unfolding, rich shading, self shadowing, reflections, DOF and comp lights and camera.
- Compatibility After Effects
Crossphere Bokeh
A Lens Blur plugin that allows full parametric control of Bokeh shape with beautiful tonal mapping and HDR highlights.