Calc AE

  • Compatibility After Effects
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Author: Freshmograph

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Quick Overview

25% Off until Feb 8. Quickly make timecode calculations without leaving Adobe After Effects. Calc AE automatically loads the comp framerate to ensure accurate results. Manually enter timecode or insert common timecode values using Timecode Assist Tools.



Calc AE UI

The UI is a dockable panel that integrates into your workspace. The frame rate display automatically updates to match the active composition. When switching between compositions, the frame rate updates when you hover over the panel. All timing information is displayed in both timecode and frame count formats.






Timecode Assist Tools


Layer(s) - Insert the duration of the selected layers from the first inpoint to the last outpoint. Ctrl - Insert the time of the earliest inpoint. Alt - Insert the time of the last outpoint.


Keyframes - Insert the selected keyframes' duration from the first to the last. Ctrl - Insert the time of the earliest keyframe. Alt - Insert the time of the last keyframe.


CTI - Insert the time of the Current Time Indicator. Ctrl - Insert the duration between the CTI and the earliest inpoint of selected layers. Alt - Insert the duration between the CTI and the last outpoint of the selected layers.


Markers - Insert the duration between the first and last marker on selected layers. The duration between the first and last comp marker is inserted if no layers are selected. Ctrl - Insert the time of the first layer or comp marker. Alt - Insert the time of the last layer or comp marker. 


CTI Markers - Insert the duration between the markers to the right and left of the CTI on selected layers. Comp markers are used if no layers are selected. Ctrl - Insert the time of the maker left of the CTI. Alt - Insert the time of the marker right of the CTI.


Work Area - Insert the duration of the comp work area. Ctrl - Insert the time of the work area start. Alt - Insert the time of the work area end.


Insert Value - Insert the current resulting timecode. Ctrl - Insert the saved timecode value. Alt - Store the current timecode value to be recalled at a later time. 


Go to Time - Navigate to the resulting timecode value. Ctrl - Move the CTI to the left of the number of resulting frames. Alt - Move the CTI to the right of the number of resulting frames.


time animated



After Effects 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
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