This wonderfully animated piece from Animography's monthly series features the Fat Frank Animated Typeface by Jeff Schreiber and Oliver Dead

Tools used

Author Notes

Animography Monthly is a monthly recurring animation project to explore the use of animated typefaces. Cento Lodigiani took on the seventh issue with his 'Kick And Rush'. Growing up with soccer, the world cup was always a period of maximum joy. And of course the opposite in case of loss. With this short piece he wants to tribute the soccer wolrd cup, by celebrating the beauty of the colors, the energy, the players expressing their amazing skills, and the infinite excitement of the victory.

All the characters were rigged with nulls in Adobe After Effects. For the final shot, he started from real footage and used shape layers to reinterpret the movement.
Design & Animation: Cento Lodigiani
Animated Typeface: Fat Frank, by Jeff Schreiber & Oliver Dead
Audio: Cento Lodigiani


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