Match Comp Duration

  • Compatibility After Effects
    Please check exact version compatibility under the "COMPATIBILITY" tab below

Author: Salt Media

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Quick Overview

Match Comp Duration lets you quickly change the duration of your selected pre-comps (and layers) and all their nested layers to the deepest level of your project!

Match Comp Duration allows you to perform quick pre-comp and layer duration changes to the deepest level of your project! Save your precious time instead of manually modifying the settings of every pre-comp layer within pre-comp layer within pre-comp layer.


MCD Panel
  • Match Comp Duration - Match selected pre-comps and layers to the current composition duration in a click.
  • Match CTI Duration - Match selected pre-comps and layers to the current time indicator duration.
  • Include nested layers - Include all nested pre-composed layers to the deepest level pre-comp.
  • Include locked layers - Include all nested locked layers to the deepest level pre-comp.
  • Resize Comps - Resize all nested comps to the current comp (fit, width or height).
  • Set Custom Duration - When set the selected layers will match this instead of the current comp duration.


  • Set Custom Duration matches the time display format of your current composition (either frames or timecode). To reset it you can delete the numbers and press enter, or make it 0.
  • Match Comp Duration changes the total duration of the selected layers and won't reposition them in time.
After Effects 2020, CC 2019
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