Create Trimmed Adjustment Layer
  • Hi I just recently purchased your CREATE TRIMMED ADJUSTMENT LAYER script.  I am having a bit of difficulty using it in my composition (done in After Efffects CS5). I placed the downloaded files on the Scripts folder but when I was trying to run it in my current project, it seems like there is nothing happening.  I tried both, ways -- put in the Scripts IU folder and just in the Scripts folder. Both ways it still won't work.  Is there something I am missing? Please let me know.  If there is also a tutorial specific to this script, hope you can give me the link as well.

  • I just uploaded a tutorial on the product page.  Please watch it and let me know if you still have questions.
  • this script looks incredibly useful, the only thing is that i will never remember i have it because it's tucked away with other scripts. If there was a way to add buttons for it to the main tool bar it would be great time saver :)
  • This is awesome tool. Can't believe it's been on market for about a decade :D Thanks!
  • how do i change the color of the new adj. layers? for me the new layers are all red :(