If you can do this sort of simulation in a modern web browser, you'd think it would be possible to program something for After Effects. Perhaps you create a shape, animate it and then run the simulation of coloured liquid emitting from it before baking it in place. I fully admit I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to programming. I just think it would be a cool effect to use in motion graphics. Although, it would very likely get overused in every project immediately.
The closest fluid simulation plug-ins I have found are the latest version of Particular or perhaps Newton.
I feel your pain Paul. There used to be good plugins for AE doing exactly this type of effects (jawset Turbulence2D or FluidDynamics from electrocolor), but for some reason they all gone with the wind. There is this gap in the market to fill but nobody seems to be interested.
Hi Lloyd. I believe pixelsworld is a great addition for people with at least basic coding knowledge. When you know, what youre doing, you can achieve spectacular results, for sure but even injecting external code requires some understanding of it. Newton is fine for bouncing balls and letters but it cannot perform Navier-Stokes equations. Do you know any working example of fluid simulation code from shadertoy that works in pixelsworld? All examples I found use buffers, which are not supported.