• Is it me or it is a very flat looking result?
  • Is it me or it is a very flat looking result?
    v1.2 now supports AE camera and has more "depth" in the fog-look.
  • how does the 3d camera setting work ? should the fog be on the actual footage or on a new layer using add or screen ?
  • how does the 3d camera setting work ? should the fog be on the actual footage or on a new layer using add or screen ?
    Fog should be on the actual footage. The plugin responds to the camera movement.
  • Quick Tip :- Zmax is 1 for 2D and approx 2500 for 3D.
  • Hello,

    On my side, it's still looks really flat (on 1.2.2)
    The Fog is not volumetric at all.
    Even if I 3D Track a camera, only the Light and Flare are moving, not the fog.
    The fog is only a 2D turbulence noise and I dont have access to any parameter to animate it.
    On the comment below, you said that the fog will respond to camera movement on a footage, How is it working ?
    Could you post some examples and tutorials to see it working ?
    You said on the plugin page "It contains an intelligent algorithm that estimates the depth in your scene. It does not require any user-generated depth maps."
    I'm sorry but I'm not seeing any difference between any kind of 2D footage I'm giving as an input.
    Could you explain us how your "Algorithm" is working ?
    It's always the same pattern which is applied.
    And lastly, the presets are not changing anything about colors or shape.

    I'm using AE 2021.

  • >>> Could you explain us how your "Algorithm" is working ?

    I have a video which is pending release. Hopefully it will be approved soon. Essentially, a fog is defined by its density and color. I use the Observer and Light location, along with pixel color, height and intensity to define both. Are you sure that Zmax reflects the approx. location of camera in Z? The mix between scattering of pixel facing light source and shadows is changed via Fog Mix.

    >>> Even if I 3D Track a camera, only the Light and Flare are moving, not the fog.

    Variation -> Factor – try x,y
    The fog has 2 components, view vector and estimated z. As a result the color of the fog changes if the view vector changes. These changes are more subtle. As you come closer the fog will reduce. The shape changes can be animated separately.

    >>> The fog is only a 2D turbulence noise and I dont have access to any parameter to animate it.

    The fog has a noise component to give it shape. The animation can be controlled via Variation -> Strength and Variation -> Opacity.  Try going from Strength of 6 to 5 as you come closer. I can modify this to take the camera directly, but felt that its better controlled via user input. The view vector is used to estimate the color of fog pixel.

    >>> It's always the same pattern which is applied.

    The pattern changes on Variation -> Factor

    >>> And lastly, the presets are not changing anything about colors or shape.

    The presets will change color. You can try the default to get what you like. Got from Fog Mix 0 to 100% to see the difference in color. Then modify to Orange-teal to get a different look - as if the scene was lit by two-colored lights. The shapes are changed via Variation -> Factor
  • Please submit a support ticket if you wish. That way we can exchange screenshots as well.
  • Thank you for your reply,

    >>>The animation can be controlled via Variation -> Strength and Variation -> Opacity.  Try going from Strength of 6 to 5 as you come closer. I can modify this to take the camera directly, but felt that its better controlled via user input. The view vector is used to estimate the color of fog pixel.

    The opacity changes the noise pattern's opacity, obviously, but the strenght changes the scale of that pattern only (centered by the top left corner of the image, it should be better to have it centered upon the Observer coordinates, don't you think  ?)

    To control Fog animation, I'm more looking for something like Turbulent Noise> Evolution parameter.

    >>>The pattern changes on Variation -> Factor

    This only gives you horizontal and verttical lines (x or y) and (x,y) is a simple fractal noise patttern.
    Not something realistic according to depth by image analysis.
    And when you chose light or observer as Factor, a radial pattern and (observer/light distance,y) a mix of the 2.

    I don't see any Zdepth in it and no algorithm is changing this depending of the image I'm giving as input.

    I maintain that Presets change nothing even if I put the Fog Mix at 100%.

    I really look forward to see the video explaining your Plug.in.

    But for now, I don't see the use of it as I don't have any real Volumetric Fog from it.

  • It's obvious that this is just an overlay, bad quality control from AESCRIPTS, I wonder how this ended up on the home page of this store!

    Any fog image on google images is better than paying $50 !!!
  • It's obvious that this is just an overlay, bad quality control from AESCRIPTS, I wonder how this ended up on the home page of this store!

    Any fog image on google images is better than paying $50 !!!
    Its the authors fault. I'm working on upgrade to address this.

  • The new v_1.3 has a different fog generator. And as I mentioned in the reply to your ticket, I'll be supporting depth maps in a couple of days.
  • I'll summarize most of the answers given earlier. 

    Use Local Fog and Global Fog - Solo & Blend to get your fog shape for all comps. 

    For a still image, enable Global Fog -> Time Animation and set Light Source.

    For 3D camera, set Volumetrics -> Enable. Make sure Translation is 0,0 for both Local Fog and Global Fog.

    For tracking shot, use Motion Tracking to get Scale in a Null layer. Parent Global Fog->Scale to Null layer-> Scale. Light Source should be animated as needed.
  • The latest version adds procedural god rays. If you have tried some of the previous versions, do try the latest one to view the difference.
  • Do you have a trick to make it loop seamlessly?
    Thank you for this plugin
  • Hi Marcel.
    There are a number of parameters that the fog depends on. As well as scene information. So I cannot make it loop automatically.

    Do you have a trick to make it loop seamlessly?
    Thank you for this plugin