Set Parent To Structure
  • Great tools! beside duik. does this work on Limber? thanks
  • Tofu Sim said:
    Great tools! beside duik. does this work on Limber? thanks
    Thank you for your suggestion!!!
     I will try to make it available in Limber in the next version, currently it can only be used in duik16
  • 感谢做出这么实用的脚本。在图层命名上有什么需要注意的吗?如果是直接把图层和骨骼链接,没有使用puppet pin, 是不是每个图层和对应的骨骼必须得是同名的?谢谢!
  • Tao Mao said:
    感谢做出这么实用的脚本。在图层命名上有什么需要注意的吗?如果是直接把图层和骨骼链接,没有使用puppet pin, 是不是每个图层和对应的骨骼必须得是同名的?谢谢!
  • Tao Mao said:
    感谢做出这么实用的脚本。在图层命名上有什么需要注意的吗?如果是直接把图层和骨骼链接,没有使用puppet pin, 是不是每个图层和对应的骨骼必须得是同名的?谢谢!
    Awesome, thanks!
  • Hi DB, sorry my english, i get help from google ... Set parent works very well, congratulations and thanks. I use Duik bassel 2, I have seen a lot of tutorials, but to make the foot move correctly, I noticed that it is better to parent "TIPTOE with TOES" and "HEEL with FOOT ROL". What do you think about it?
  • Hi DB, sorry my english, i get help from google ... Set parent works very well, congratulations and thanks. I use Duik bassel 2, I have seen a lot of tutorials, but to make the foot move correctly, I noticed that it is better to parent "TIPTOE with TOES" and "HEEL with FOOT ROL". What do you think about it?
    In fact, I have sent this script code to Duduf, yesterday, Duik17 Alpha12 has been released, and this feature is added in Duik17, but currently in the test phase, you can look forward to Duik17 officially released.