Swissd is an After Effects script for creating fixed width text layouts. You can just have fun with the buzz generator and skip thru your fonts or do some serious work with it. It uses the scale property of the text layers to resizes them to fit in the same width.
Right now thats the only way.
Yeah me to. Thats why I'm working on a update with a textfield so you can enter your text directly in AE. It is nearly done but still has some bugs. If you want to get involved write me an email or create an account on and give me your username so I can provide you a buggy alpha version.
sorry for the delay. Can you provide me:
- An AE project with the error
- your AE version number
- your system setup
- the version of swissd.jsx you are using
- the font name and if it is a free font the font if possible?
Does the error occur with any font?
Do you use a own text file or the buzzgen?