Essential Namer 2
  • Is there any way to move a property to a different "Primary" composition's Essential Graphics menu? This tool seems incredible, but seems limited to very simple animations that don't need to grab properties from items within pre-comps
  • The Essential Graphics panel won't let you add properties to other comps. However, any property you add in a precomp will show up in the "Primary" comp. For example, if you add the position of a layer in a precomp, you can go to the "Primary" comp and select the precomp, hit P on the keyboard and the position from the precomp will be there. 
  • Is there a reason I have pay for a point update to 2.2? I have 2.1 after purchasing the new script
  • Is there a reason I have pay for a point update to 2.2? I have 2.1 after purchasing the new script
    Can you open a support ticked so that I can help you get it sorted out. Thank you.
  • Hi, I want to know if there's a way to separate dimensions. or to choose put in essential graphics only one coordinate?

  • fadu dba said:
    Hi, I want to know if there's a way to separate dimensions. or to choose put in essential graphics only one coordinate?

    After Effects doesn't support separated dimensions in the Essential Graphic panel. However, if you have separated dimensions you can add the X and Y value using the "Selected" button in Essential Namer.