Compound Matte 2
  • Does this work in 3D space?
  • Does this work in 3D space?
    It works fine
    But please download the free trial version and test it in your project
  •  quick question, why am I being asked to pre-compose in order for me to be able to add into the compound Matte Menu but does nothing afterwards? This also doesn t seem to work with only works with Shape layers and text. Is there a way use it with other type of layers like images and alpha channels ?


    Update: I figured out why it was not working... when pre-composing in order for it to work we need to Move all attributes into a new Composition, when using Leave all Attributes and keeping the same size as the image ex: 3x3  it does not work... so you need to change your layer to the comp your working in ex: 16x9... yes it works but this is a down side as you need to go back into the pre comp and animate everything in that comp and not see what your doing in the main comp.. hope I explained it correctly but I hope you will do an update where we are not limited on changing the layer comp size.

  •  quick question, why am I being asked to pre-compose in order for me to be able to add into the compound Matte Menu but does nothing afterwards? This also doesn t seem to work with only works with Shape layers and text. Is there a way use it with other type of layers like images and alpha channels ?


    You can have all the layers without restrictions as the main layer, and add matte layers to it.
    Only when you want to add the images as matte layers to the main layers, do you need to pre-comp them (and also turn on collapse comp)