Regular Expressions (Regex) is a very powerful syntax to match patterns in strings. There is tons of information on the web about it, here's an example:
Hi Brennan, I'm on CC 2015.3 and can get the script working via file-run script but would like it to be permanently dockable. Is there a way to do that?
Hi Brennan, I'm on CC 2015.3 and can get the script working via file-run script but would like it to be permanently dockable. Is there a way to do that?
If you place the script in the ScriptsUI folder it will allow you to dock it.
It would be awesome if you moved the Duplicate Selected button to the very top. The panel is so huge and would allow for more efficient workspace when the panel is minimised, especially if you always use the same settings.
I only have a collect files button not a duplicate button as others have cited. I have tried with the same result on After Effects CC 2014 and 2017. I have the script in the UI Panels folder.
I only have a collect files button not a duplicate button as others have cited. I have tried with the same result on After Effects CC 2014 and 2017. I have the script in the UI Panels folder.
This is such an amazing tool. Thank you so much. I haven't paid you yet, as I'm still a starving artist (not starving, but I'm not flush at the moment with cash), however, I will be sure to pay you at some point in the future much love
When duplicating with adding a prefix I can add letters and/or numbers. However when using Suffix I can only add a number. it will not let me use letters ?
I love this script and use it quite often but with the latest update the Ui got a bit big for my taste and I constantly have to rearrange it(as I have docked it in my UI) to get to the Duplicate Selected button. Would it be possible to add a scroll bar to the Script or make the DS-Button independent from the rest so that it doesn't get "resized" with the rest. Alternativley position the Options(except the Group items into folder, as I often use it) on another tab in the Script. Thanks
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Hi Brennan! Thanks so much for this - it's so useful and I'm happily a paying customer, especially since you've made it a "Name Your Own Price" product.
Do you (or anyone else!) know of a similar utility for Premiere that will duplicate sequences with their nested sequences? Thanks again!
Hi thanks for the Plugin! After I duplicate a comp, the whole comp turns black. I can highlight the objects in the comp as you can see in the screenshot but they do not show up, not sure what is causing this? I have cleared cache and restarted AE.
Hi thanks for the Plugin! After I duplicate a comp, the whole comp turns black. I can highlight the objects in the comp as you can see in the screenshot but they do not show up, not sure what is causing this? I have cleared cache and restarted AE.
I use it for 3D render composites, which involve about a half dozen comps that need to be duplicated and re-nested, and about a half-dozen others that can be reused across renders. I place a "U_" (for "Universal") at the beginning of the comps that should be reused and tell the duplicator to Exclude all comps with a "U_" at the beginning. I tell it to group items into a new folder, and use a search/replace. Took a few tries to get it working how I wanted it. Works flawlessly so far. Well done.
Hi there! This plugin is such a life-saver. When do you think you'll be able to make it compatible with AE 2019? Suddenly the .jsx isn't showing up for me.
Thankfully I can go back to AE 2018 for awhile, as I can't live without this wonderful tool. Thanks!
Hi there! This plugin is such a life-saver. When do you think you'll be able to make it compatible with AE 2019? Suddenly the .jsx isn't showing up for me.
Thankfully I can go back to AE 2018 for awhile, as I can't live without this wonderful tool. Thanks!
It works fine in CC2019, you might need to reinstall it.
Do you have any reason to believe the "Exclude items with" feature is broken in CC 2019 (v16.1.1 build 4)?
Try as I might, I've set all of the parameters I can think of. I've tried suffix, prefix, I've tried different values, I've renamed the layers and the comps, and each time the script totally ignores that value.
It's a real issue, it's creating duplicates of my dozens of fixed assets (like logos), whereas I only need about 3 to be true duplicates (text precomps)
Do you have any reason to believe the "Exclude items with" feature is broken in CC 2019 (v16.1.1 build 4)?
Try as I might, I've set all of the parameters I can think of. I've tried suffix, prefix, I've tried different values, I've renamed the layers and the comps, and each time the script totally ignores that value.
It's a real issue, it's creating duplicates of my dozens of fixed assets (like logos), whereas I only need about 3 to be true duplicates (text precomps)
It turns out that I'm going crazy. I need to rename the comps in the project bin, not the layer names in the comp that refer to them.
I convinced myself that I had tried that but apparently I hadn't and it was that simple. That's what I get for late night project building . Thanks again!
Hi Lloyd, lately with the latest updates of AE, I've been some troubles when I duplicate head rigging with Joystick and Sliders. The issue is that the expressions it doesn't update when I use the renaming feature with Suffix or prefix. Even I used the "search and replace" method. when I checked the expressions I noticed that pre-comp names do not update. In the past, I was able to duplicate without a problem, I don't what to do. this is one of the essential methods of my workflow.
Excellent script! I make product templates and build app states in modules. This makes it so much easier to duplicate those modules and keep the expressions connected properly.
Essential script! One of my daily tools in AE., however I have one feature request, sometimes you need to duplicate from a clean comp, lets say its name is “Comp_00”, you need to keep coming back to it and duplicate it to start with a clean comp with the default setup you created there, the problem True Comp does not look into the project or the comp’s folder for the existing comps with the same numbers to increment, so each time you duplicate from “Comp_00” you get “Comp_01”! Although it’s already exist .. this force me to duplicate the master comp many times from the beginning to make sure all duplicates are clean, and this slow down the project especially if this comps has a lot of expressions inside them and create many unnecessary assets, hope u can add a solution for this, thanks and best regards.
Hi , i have one question before i buy . I am searching for a script or plugin , that allows me to quickly resize sub compositions .
I make templates with my effects to use for different shows , so i replace the image / base footage with the new one for every show. Sometimes i need to export all the files on a different format than the template , and then i need to open every comp > Composition settings > resize > ok > export to ..
I am really looking for a better solution , that allows me maybe to select all my sub comps at once , give in the new dimensions for the comp & have my computer , compute the task. Can True Comp Duplicator help here ?
Hi , i have one question before i buy . I am searching for a script or plugin , that allows me to quickly resize sub compositions .
I make templates with my effects to use for different shows , so i replace the image / base footage with the new one for every show. Sometimes i need to export all the files on a different format than the template , and then i need to open every comp > Composition settings > resize > ok > export to ..
I am really looking for a better solution , that allows me maybe to select all my sub comps at once , give in the new dimensions for the comp & have my computer , compute the task. Can True Comp Duplicator help here ?
Would it be possible to add an option for Include items with matching regex besides the exclude? Sometimes I have to exclude 40 + comps and just leave 2 for duplication.
Hey, just a specific note of gratitude and appreciation. This script is
awesome and I using it often currently to help with a large project
today creating multi-language versions. Have had this script for 7 years
and I recommend it often... must have imo. Thank you. -Jon
Installed this one, but it doesn't show the Duplicate Button! Help?
Thank you!
Installed this one, but it doesn't show the Duplicate Button! Help? I have Adobe After Effects CC 2015 (v13.7.1) ENG Update 4.
Thank you!
Would it be possible to add a scroll bar to the Script or make the DS-Button independent from the rest so that it doesn't get "resized" with the rest. Alternativley position the Options(except the Group items into folder, as I often use it) on another tab in the Script. Thanks
I am searching for a script or plugin , that allows me to quickly resize sub compositions .
I make templates with my effects to use for different shows , so i replace the image / base footage with the new one for every show.
Sometimes i need to export all the files on a different format than the template , and then i need to open every comp > Composition settings > resize > ok > export to ..
I am really looking for a better solution , that allows me maybe to select all my sub comps at once , give in the new dimensions for the comp & have my computer , compute the task. Can True Comp Duplicator help here ?
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