Finally, create Photoshop style groups directly in the timeline. Comprehensive functionality to mimic how Photoshop handles groups. One of the most requested features in After Effects. Now with Group Mattes, Isolate layers and Baking of Groups into pre-comps.
when i open LayerGroups script panel, it always prompts me to enter the license code. When i do, it says "Sorry, the license code is not valid".
The script was registered in the previous version of AE - AE CC - and i still have the script working in AE CC which is installed on my computer.
Is it possible to have LayerGroups script running on both versions of AE or do i have to buy a separate license?
---update: license code issue was resolved, script works both in AE CC and AE CC2014.
1.restart script to implement change in settings.
2.LG needs full control of shying and comments fields, so if another script is interferi g with that, the the workflow wont work.
3 there is a button under more, that renames layers back to what they were, if you made the groups and the afterwards changed the settings.
Tks will havr a closer look when back next wk.
I've been messing around with the trial and I have a couple of thoughts:
1. It'd be nice if moving the timeline block that represents the group would move all objects contained within it. Having to move everything independently kind of goes against the whole idea of using groups, in my mind.
2. Grabbing a group in the timeline and moving it downward should update the layer positions of its children. For example, I had a situation where I moved the main group layer down to layer position 38, and it'd stay at layer position 38 while all of its children would somehow move to the top of the layer stack when that particular group was open. This isn't intuitive.
3. Moving a group should automatically move the objects within it on the canvas, acting as a null. Also, changing the opacity of the group "header" should also change the opacity of everything within it, much like Photoshop. Maybe these two functions are already in there and I missed them, because they feel obvious, but I wasn't able to get them to function if they were.
As for opacity, I'd think of it like this: the main block's opacity represents the percentage visible of each child separately. For example, if one child is at 50% opacity, that'd mean lowering the main block's opacity to 50% would lower that child to 25%, and so on. It'd use this method for layers that aren't keyframed and aren't operated by expressions. Seems simple.
Thank YOU for the interest!
I 'll give an example of the first question. I have several letters of a word , and a randomly appear one to one, just like hangman game , and I have to change certain period of time, in fact twice a week , the word . I group the letter with its corresponding incidental sound, but when selected one of this letters to modify in the group to which it corresponds (the group is not collapsed to show the layers) are not active and would be very useful for me to automatically select the group when select the layer.
And the second and most important question ¿Can I copy these groups and paste them into another composition? because I tried to do, and quite simply no longer work groups , do not collapse , not displayed , nothing, just stop to work, and I need to copy all in another composition only for than these letters appear in groups of two o three in 3 different compositions, to make a sequence in different compositions and files, to form any word, like the game, but in four files.
Help me please, what can be done, thanks in advance for your kind reply.
New version with mainly fixes, primarily, expressions should not break due to child layers being renamed...
2.20 (Current version) - May 3, 2017
When un-baking (un-precomping) Layer expressions will work if they are still actually valid.
Minor settings changes as layer names won't break expressions now.
Pretty pointers name changed to "Arrow Triangle".
In a UI panel on closing settings window, Layer Groups will attempt to close panel and reload
itself, negating the need to restart the script manually. This allows quicker settings changes.
Option to not use Arrow Triangle in group name. (Used to show collapsed state). Users might want to
do this if putting expressions on the Group Layer. ie. won't break if expanding and collapsing.
Option to link opacity of Group Layer to children. This is done with expressions. You must have
`Use Arrow Triangles` disabled. (Group Layer name won't change on expand-collapse). So holding down Shift
key on making group, will parent, so all transforms can be controlled by Group Layer, this addition adds
the missing one, opacity.
Addition of [Move Group Up/Down] buttons.
Bug fixed where locked layers would prevent stacking and moving of layer groups. Auto stacking should work better.
layers are unlocked, stacking applied and then relocked now.
[Select Child Layers] button added to UI +Shift, to select all children of selected groups.
This can help with trimming and moving all child layers as a unit.
Removal of option to use < and V in place to the `Arrow pointer`- if using expressions,(referencing the name of the Group Layer) it's better for the Group Layer name to not be changing on collapse expand.