Allows you to copy one or more markers and paste them on any other layer. After Effects does not allow copy/pasting markers in their UI, so this script is here to help.
It a bit trickier than it sounds, and got a question: if you select multiple layer with markers, and select multiple layers to paste them onto, what would be the behavior you would expect?
Can you add option to copy markers in reference to CTI. For example I have markers at frames 5(marker1), 10(marker2) and 15(marker3). I copy them and then place my CTI on frame 25, click "paste" and then they're pasted onto frames 25(marker1), 30(marker2), 35(marker3).
I purchased the Copy Paste Markers 2 how do I install or where do I place the CopyPasteMarkers_v2.0.jsxbin file? I think I am supose to put in the following folder/ Adobe After Effects\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
Would consider dividing the script into it's components and making them available along with the main script so that we can assign keyboard shortcuts to them? Encrypted, of course, we don't want to steal your source code, just be able to assign them to keyboard shortcut for obvious reasons.
I bought this hoping it would let me copy paste markers from one layer then be able to repost it back onto the *same* layer, later in the timeline - which is handy for layers that are looping or time remap enabled. Could you possibly add that to a future update?
Hi, I've used v2.0.1 of this script successfully within the last year. However, now I've updated to AE 17.0.6 and I'm getting absolutely no results when I click the buttons. I've tried it with both 'Legacy ExtendScript' and 'JavaScript' project options. Maybe it's time for v.2.0.2? Thanks!
I bought this hoping it would let me copy paste markers from one layer then be able to repost it back onto the *same* layer, later in the timeline - which is handy for layers that are looping or time remap enabled. Could you possibly add that to a future update?
It would be great to be able to paste markers to composition markers.
I also need this functionality, assumed it would be able to copy and paste comp markers. Should be clearer that this only works on layer markers. Hope this will be added at some point.
Hi, I've used v2.0.1 of this script successfully within the last year. However, now I've updated to AE 17.0.6 and I'm getting absolutely no results when I click the buttons. I've tried it with both 'Legacy ExtendScript' and 'JavaScript' project options. Maybe it's time for v.2.0.2? Thanks!
I think I am supose to put in the following folder/ Adobe After Effects\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
please see this faq: