How to use the forums - PLEASE READ!
  • We want to keep the forums as lightweight and easy to navigate as possible. 

     If you have a support issue or feature request please go to SUPPORT

    This is a place to leave reviews for products or have general discussions. Use the product category to leave comments for the corresponding product.  You can also do it directly on each product page under the 'Comments' tab which is linked directly to these forums.  Please add helpful tags to your posts to help others.
    That's all, if you have a general comment please use the General category.

    Thanks and we hope you enjoy using these forums.  
  • The reason you need to post in the discussion for the product you need support for is that the authors for that particular product is only notified if you post to that forum otherwise nobody will be notified. You are of course always welcome to open a support ticket and you will receive direct support for your issue.
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