  • I'm using autoexpress in CS6 and it works fine, but whenever I try to use a onedirectonal wiggle or prowiggle, I get this error: "After Effects warning: Class 'Array' has no property or method named '2'. Expression disabled." This is very frustrating! I'd like to get it work.. 

  • Hi Christoph, What property are you applying it to and is it a 2D or 3D layer? You would get this error if you applied it to a Position or Scale property on a 3D layer but then switched it to 2D, but I'm not sure why it's happening for you.
  • Hi, thanks for the quick reply! I applied it to both the scale or the position property on a simple 2d shape layer.. 
  • alright there we go, the problem seems to exist only with those shape layers. precomposed them, then it worked :) Maybe this is worth a future bug fix.  
  • I've found the problem and it's an easy fix, so expect an update soon. pt_AutoExpress predates shape layers and you're either the first person to try this or at least the first to report the problem.

    For now you could apply the expression to a regular 2D layer's Position or Scale then copy/paste it (use Copy Expression Only) onto the shape layer property.
  • Cool! I really appreciate the immediate feedback! Thanks a lot and keep up the amazing work!
  • Can't add loop expression to mask path keyframes (CS 6). Error message: "No suitable properties were selected"
    [EDIT]: Pardon my ignorance. You can't do that without the script too, AE just does not allow it for this parameter. Sorry.
  • Paul, I LOVE this script!  The ping-pong loop function is a life-saver when animating repeating keyframes.  I'm using it right now to animate a birds wings flapping by looping 2 rotation KF's... Which leads me to my question:  Is there some way I can alter the speed of the loop?  For example, can I have the wings beat fast for 5 seconds, and then slow it down?  One work around I'm going to try is to simply pre-comp the wings and time-remap the speed, but I was wondering if you knew a way I could link the expression to a control slider or something.  Thanks for your time and the great script!
  • Hi Eric, Sorry for my slow response, I've only just seen your message. Precomping and using Time Remap would be the simplest way to do the speed change, as I'm sure you figured out by now. Paul
  • This is a very useful script - use it a lot.

    Is it possible to add a frequency slider option too?

  • Hi Paul, Use the Wiggle Pro setting. That has a frequency slider option. 
  • I only just saw your reply - totally missed the wiggle pro option :) It's good.

    Would you consider modifying the script to allow multiple uses with different sliders on the same layer? i.e. at the moment, if I apply a wiggle with slider to say, rotation and then scale, it uses the same slider. I'd want different values for each. OK, I can manually add another slider etc but it'd be great if the script named each slider with a unique name or even the name of the property it's attached to.

  • hi how do I stop the animation after a certain amount of time? doesn't seem to be working for me
  • For which of the functions do you want the animation to stop? If it's wiggle, you can have it create a slider control for amount and then use keyframes to reduce that to zero when you want it to stop wiggling.
  • The help window doesn't work properly with CC 2015 - can't close it.
  • Hi Paul, Sorry for my slow response. What OS are you running on and are you running it as a panel (launched through Window menu) or launched through the Scripts menu? I'm not seeing the issue you reported here. If you open a support ticket you'll be able to attach screenshots that might help me understand what you're seeing.
  • All the comments are older.
    Did your tool works with AE 2015-3  ???
    The loop funktion is exactly what i´m looking for.

    Thanks for response
  • Hi Max, yes it works in AE CC2015.3. It doesn't do anything particularly fancy so it's not that likely to break due to updates.

    The only minor issue is that AE appears to have removed the ability to select scripts with a .jsxbin extension if using File > Scripts > Run Script File, so you'd just have to rename it to have a .jsx extension in this case.

  • hi, awesome script, really awesome, but i have a problem when i open the script, i can't see the loop option, if you can help me that will be awesome, thank you
  • Hi Julian, There was a problem with some versions of AE not fully displaying dropdown menus when viewed on Windows with a HiDPI display. In v1.2 I added a preference in the help window which you can enable to help with this, if this is what's causing your issue. You should also be able to use the up/down arrow keys to change the menu selection. Otherwise, please open a support ticket giving some info about what AE and OS version you're running and exactly what you're seeing in the script's UI.
  • I absolutely LOVE this script! That said, the loop parameter is really throwing me for a--well you get it. Basically, I have 7 keyframes and I need to loop the last 3 of them. How does one make that happen?
  • Hi Rafael, I believe you would just put '2' into the keyframes box on the right side. Presumably it always counts the last keyframe so the value represents additional keyframes? Sounds like you just want a loopOut so the other default after settings should be fine unless you want it to pingpong in which case you'd select that on the right side too.