Will Cecil

Will Cecil
Last Active
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  • Alex Mapar
    Hi Will!
    I bought pixel encoder and hacksaw and they've been great so far on a rush project. 

    I bounce between my macbook and windows machine. All (afaik?) the scripts on aescripts seem to be able to be licensed for a main machine and a laptop (adobe cc apps also do this) so this works seamlessly.

    Every other day though, these two plugins create popups saying they've exceeded activations and are resetting to trial..

    I'm troubleshooting right now (even added render licenses for both too). 
    I wanted to make sure the main license isn't limited to a single machine? 

    Please let me know if I must add more core licenses, or convert my current ones to floating license. Or if something else could be going on.
    Thanks for the great tools!
    November 2023
  • Will Cecil changed their profile picture.
    May 2021