fabian perez

fabian perez
Last Active


  • david delayat

    Hi Brian, 

    I have the same issue and just figured out how to debug it : 
    This particular line is made to get the number of the mouth layer (get the string between the index of the last " " character and the overall number of characters) and it looks like AE doesn't use this anymore. 

    Here is the proper way to write it : 
    thisShape = parseInt(name.substr(name.length-1, name.length));

    Change it in every opacity expression that have the problem
    With the Link Mouth to Shape Volume button activated it should work fine !

    EDIT : 
    Be careful of not deleting the "if" statement at the end of this line for the mouth closed !
    Hi David many thanks for your response, it help me a lot but  this expression is working find with the closed mouths, but when I  paste it in the open mouth another error comes out,

    Error: Undifined value used in expression (could be an out of range array, subscript?)

    So the exprisson change for open mouth?


    Hi Fabian, 
    Sorry for the late answer. 
    I just got back on my project today, and I had the same problem as yours. 
    The issue is because of this statement : 
    if (linkShapeAudio == 0)
    linkShapeAudio is an effect on the layer "Talking Head Controls", which can be set to 1 or 0. when on 0, the expression doesn't work for open mouth, when on 1 it works fine. Haven't taken time to figure out why, and I need to move on my work :)
    October 2019