Gianni Lorusso

Hi Alex,I'm glad you like it. Can you send me a project file to [email protected]? Cheers,
Gianni Lorusso
Last Active
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  • Alex Booth
    Hey Gianni!

    I'm wondering how i can manipulate the front page of my soft cover by making it editable yet still be animatable as well. I try and do what you said to do with hardcover which was duplicate the object, make it a child, delete the tags and it should be all good, but when i do that the page/object loses it's page control ability.

    Great procedural model by the way!

    December 2020
  • Emmanuel Cappelletti
    Hi Gianni, buy realbook 3.0, can you send me an instruction manual for the pages?
    I need to make 70 pages with your front and back!
    July 2020
  • Emmanuel Cappelletti
    Hi Gianni, can I only pay for upgrade to 3? how? let me know!
    July 2020
  • Diandra Sanches
    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545}

    Hi Gianni, yesterday i bought Realbook 3. Im trying to animate the book and i'll need that the pages recognizes the hard cover as a limit. For example, if i open the book (Base turn 65%) i'll need that the 100% of the animation tag of the pages recognize that 65%. 

    I now that there is a way if I set the Xpresso tags but I’m really short of time to try to understand. I set some parameters in Xpresso but I would like that the fold behavior recognize that limit too.


    September 2019