Steve Lewis

Steve Lewis
Last Active
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  • Ken Joy
    September 2022
    • Ken Joy
      Ken Joy
      Hi Steve, I have multiple clients. Is it possible to set up separate "accounts" for each client with their client-specific mogrts to edit so they don't see all of the available mogrts or other clients' work? Additionally, could those separate accounts be required to enter a password to access? Sorry if this has been asked and answered elsewhere. Thanks!
    • Steve Lewis
      Steve Lewis
      Hi Ken, so what you can do is just make a new folder in your sync folder, and add a different set of mogrts to it.

      In the app settings you can then go to the "User management" tab and add a new "Magic link" this is a url link that can be shared with your users, when they access this it will open the editor for that set of mogrts, each of these links is associated with an email address, this is the email address where notifications for edits made through that link will go to, after creating a magic link you can add additional emails to it, once more that one email has been added, when users access that link they will now need to enter a password, the password they enter determines which email the edit notifications go to.

      Using this feature is currently only available to enterprise accounts, but if you'd like to trial this then let me know and I should be able to grant you access for a couple of days to test it out.

    • Steve Lewis
      Steve Lewis
      Also please feel free to join our Slack workspace for direct MoDeck support:
  • Steve Lewis changed their profile picture.
    June 2019
  • Steve Lewis changed their profile picture.
    March 2019
  • Steve Lewis changed their profile picture.
    March 2019