Scott Keller

Scott Keller
Last Active


  • Markus Bergelt
    Hey Scott, coming back to the problem you wrote a comment about: 
    When we import a previous project with GeoLayers3 maps already setup into a new project, GeoLayers does not recognize the labels - it appears to be because the 'GeoLayers3 Items' folder is one layer deep in the assets, and GeoLayers is looking only at the root of the assets on the new project. Moving the folder out to the root, fixes the problem. However, this didn't occur with GeoLayers 2 to our knowledge. Is this possible to fix? Possible to have GeoLayers scan sub-folders as well? We use templates on a regular basis and it would just save us some trouble.

    by clicking "Import Project" in the projects panel GEOlayers will sort the opened project into its folder structure. This might help you. If it causes any sort of problems please get in touch. You'll get help faster if you create support tickets here: 

    February 2020