Matthew Phelan

I work for a News television network and always on the lookout for scripts and plugins that will help my team and myself out. If you would like me to try any products that you think would help speed up our workflow, feel free to let me know.
Matthew Phelan
Last Active


  • Kirill Tiufyakov
    And one more thing. In my system i got a mass of a plugins in AE, and when i trying to map a standart effect Fill to the button, i cant get it in list,i try many combination, no luck. Solve this by saving a preset a add them. Can you please add more items in the appear list of items to map, something like 15 or tweakable parameter? Thank you.
    February 2020
  • Kirill Tiufyakov
    Hi Matthew. I migrate from ft-Toolbar to kBar2 last week. Overall seems to be very good, only sorting icons in verical panel layout bring some discomfort. When we reading the rows in current horizontal sorting we dont get 12, 34, 56, 78, Can you please add ability to sort virticaly so we can get
    1 2
    3 4
    5 6
    7 8
    1 6
    2 7
    3 8
    4 9
    5 10 Thank you.
    February 2020
  • I work for a News television network and always on the lookout for scripts and plugins that will help my team and myself out. If you would like me to try any products that you think would help speed up our workflow, feel free to let me know.
    December 2015