Davinci Resolve DCTL FAQ

Jun 14, 2024 by aescripts + aeplugins admin

How to install DCTL?

Drag the .dctle file into your Resolve LUT folder, then restart DaVinci to see it in the list of DCTLs in Open FX. To locate the LUT folder in your system, open DaVinci Resolve - go to Color Page - open LUTs tab - right click on the LUTs folder - reveal in Finder (Mac) or its equivalent in Windows and Linux

What is a DCTL?

According to the DaVinci Resolve Reference Manual: DCTL files are actually color transformation scripts that DaVinci Resolve sees and applies just like any other LUT. Unlike other LUTs, which are 1D or 3D lookup tables of values that approximate image transformations using interpolation, DCTL files are actually comprised of computer code that directly transforms images using combinations of math functions that you devise. Additionally, DCTL files run natively on the GPU of your workstation, so they can be fast.