Stardust FAQ

May 14, 2024 by Superluminal


  • Stardust is compatible with the latest version of After Effects, you can install it using the aescripts + aeplugins manager app
  • The Apple Silicon version will only work on the native Apple Silicon After Effects v22.3 and above. It will not work in the v22.2 and below "rosetta" version.

Known Issues

  • "Leaked effect refs" message may rarely appear on quitting after effects. This is just a nuisance and not an actual problem. It will be resolved soon.


You need to enter your License Code in the Serial field and your Name and Organization as you entered them during purchase (leave the verification box blank). 

If your name or organization name had any special or foreign characters it will have changed slightly or been replaced with your email address. 

To find the name and organization to enter, click on the "Info" link to the right of your license code  the 'My Downloads & Licenses' section of your user account:


Stardust License


To enter this information in After Effects, apply Stardust to a layer and then click on the Register link in the Effects panel: 

Effect Register Link


If you are still seeing the demo watermark after registering, please empty the After Effects disk cache and restart.

Educational License


If you are using an Educational License, please note they expire after one year, please see here about renewing it.