Explainer using Ease and Wizz by codeastudio

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Author Notes

Motion Graphics para la nueva Startup Tecnológica Bet4Talent. Bet4Talent es una plataforma de Talent Acquisition para el sector de las nuevas tecnologías que pone en contacto a trabajadores y empresas.

[Eng] Motion Graphics for Bet4Talent, a brand new Startup focused on Talent Acquisition for the new technologies sector. Their goal is to link workers with companies through L.I.S.A, the search algorithm that makes their platform the most competitive out there.

Original idea and Art direction:: Codea Studio
Animation: Codea Studio and Bruno Olivé (brunoolive.com)
Graphic Design: Ivette Pérez (ivetteperez.com)
Music: Aimar Molero (aimar-molero.com)
Sound design: Jaume Llorens (jaumellorens.com)



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