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Author: Artem Artemenko

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Quick Overview

20% Off until Feb 8. TextDuratifier automatically adjusts the duration of text layers based on their content and the viewer's reading speed, so you don’t have to listen to the text over and over to set its timing.
It's the perfect tool for text-based videos and for working with text in an unfamiliar language.

Interface 123

TextDuratifier automatically adjusts the duration of text layers based on their content and the viewer's reading speed, so you don’t have to listen to the text over and over to set its timing.
It's the perfect tool for text-based videos and for working with text in an unfamiliar language.

It contains three main functions:

1. Setting the duration of a layer based on the content
2. Arranging layers one by one on the timeline
3. Creating an adaptive background for text

Just 3 clicks for managing many layers

Click 1: Calculate the duration

The duration of layers is set based on the reading speed, which defaults to the optimal value according to the IReST study. You can adjust this manually if needed.

The script has two duration modes: words per minute and characters per minute. Try switching the mode if the result doesn’t feel ideal for some layers.

There's an option to add extra frames to layer durations, which is helpful for animations at the beginning or end of a layer, holding the viewer’s attention, or extending single-word layers that can be too short.

Click 2: Arrange the layers

Arrange the layers sequentially with a single click. You can also add a gap between the layers by setting the number of frames.

Click 3: Add text box

Add an adaptive text box by setting the text margin, as well as its opacity and color.

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