rd: Render Layers
  • Hello,

    I'm running CS5.5, and am trying to render out some text layers as PSD files so that they are faster to work with in AE. Every time I try to run the script, I get the error "After Effects Error: Can't copy from a file '[/Location/File].psd0' that is empty". Curiously, after spelling out exactly where the fil is on my HDD, it lists the file as a '.psd0' file; I have no clue what the 0 is at the end. Any help?

  • Hey

    This is a awesome script and I would use it in my projects but I need to save out the layers as PNG with RGBA.
    I could save out as a TIFF sequence with alpha then batch convert it but its not as time efficient. 
    You should look at including this.

    Thanks Andrew.
  • At this moment I am exporting one hundred clips from AE to be sold at stock sites. I thought that I won't be done by tomorrow, but thanks to you and your script, I'm off to bed now, and so far it seems that everything will be done tomorrow when I wake up.
    I must say, thank you man. What can be done for you in return? 
  • @Andrew: just make a PNG output template and select that.

    Jeff, this script can be a timesaver, but it doesn't behave properly. I needed to convert some 200 shots from R3D to DPX sequences (I needed just what was in the edit, not the entire shot), and I tried using your script, but a lot of the layers have 1-2 extra frames, or at least one of the start or end frames was rendered to black. The layers were not overlapping and I used the Layer I/O points as a preference. I'm using AE CC on Win7. I ended up using Resolve Lite to get my sequences, so it's done, I'm just posting here to report a bug. Hope you get a chance to read this.

  • Awesome!  I'm using this to export a ton of Canon C100 clips shot in 60i and converted to slow mo 24p in Premiere.  Sent the sequence with all clips to After Effects and exporting all of the individual clips as ProRes quicktimes.  Would've taken me ages to do without this script.  Thank you!
  • Hi there,

    So, I have a sequence containing a series of .movs that has been imported from premiere pro.
    When I try to render them out separately, I choose the layer In/Out option and it does the first clip fine, but then it renders the rest out using the same in/out data from the first clip, essentially giving me a black screen. Has anyone else had this problem? not sure what I'm doing wrong...

  • Hi there,

    So, I have a sequence containing a series of .movs that has been imported from premiere pro.
    When I try to render them out separately, I choose the layer In/Out option and it does the first clip fine, but then it renders the rest out using the same in/out data from the first clip, essentially giving me a black screen. Has anyone else had this problem? not sure what I'm doing wrong...

    This sounds like expected behavior, it renders the layers at the current time, it does not traverse the timeline. Just align all your layers in time first.
  • Is there going to be an update for Render layers for CC2015. It is much wanted.

  • This is a great script, with one flaw that I can find.
    When using the "Layer In/Out Range", it renders the first frame of each comp selected as Black.

    As an example, I put a layer starting at frame 75, and continuing for 100 frames, on the timeline.  I put a time-code effect on that layer, showing it starts at frame 75, (effect was set to composition as time source, and frame numbers as display format). 

    The rendered file shows a black frame on the very first frame, and on the second frame, the video shows with the time-code effect numbers as 76.

    I've tried this several times on different comps...all same results.
    Using After Effects CS6.

    Like I said, great script, and great idea...just one small problem that I can find.
  • Is there a way to get this script to render layers to image sequences and have it automatically create separate folders for each sequence.  Right now I can only get it to render all the sequences to the same folder which is a pain to reimport.  If they rendered to separate folders perhaps I could just select all the folders with smart import and that would pick up all the sequences, but right now I have to traverse a gigantic list of many sequences looking for the starting frame of each one and if one gets deselected, I have to start selecting them all again.  Probably an update would be much appreciated.
  • I might be missing something, but does this not work with 3d Cameras?
  • Doesn't work right (anymore?) I get black frames at the start of the renders and trying to run the script a second time with different settings will mess up things totally. 
  • As others have said, the timing is slightly off sometimes on renders, usually by just a frame, which makes this unusable currently. But it’s a great idea.
  • Does this script still work for CC 2019? It seems it doesn't
  • I need a script for company use, it is not complicate. It's kinda like a combination of your existing script. Is that possible? Please email me and talk in details via email. Here is my email address [email protected]
  • Seems it have bugs and not usable for rendering 1-frame layers. CC2020 (17.5)
  • Doesn't work for AE2022 - when I queue multiple layers using LayerIn/LayerOut the work areas are all set to the right length, but starting at frame 0 of the comp not the actual layer in out times.
  • It's very easy to fix the code. 

    Open the /Applications/Adobe After Effects <whatever version you have here>/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels/rd_RenderLayers.jsx  in a text editor.

    Find the line of code below:

    "compQueued.workAreaStart = rangeIn;" 

    Cut that line out with Ctrl X hotkey

    Find this line of code:
    compQueued.workAreaStart = 0; // Set to min size first, then resize -- to avoid problems setting range

    paste it below that.

    That's it! For some reason it really doesn't want to be below this line: "compQueued.workAreaDuration = compQueued.frameDuration;" for some reason.


  • Just letting potential editors know that the script wasn't working for me but Alonso's code fix down below worked perfectly to get it fixed (I'm using AE 23.2.0).

    This script is amazing in how much time it saves me when rendering out a bunch of cutaway footage edits individual clips to archive. Worth it's wait in gold.

    It's very easy to fix the code. 

    Open the /Applications/Adobe After Effects <whatever version you have here>/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels/rd_RenderLayers.jsx  in a text editor.

    Find the line of code below:

    "compQueued.workAreaStart = rangeIn;" 

    Cut that line out with Ctrl X hotkey

    Find this line of code:
    compQueued.workAreaStart = 0; // Set to min size first, then resize -- to avoid problems setting range

    paste it below that.

    That's it! For some reason it really doesn't want to be below this line: "compQueued.workAreaDuration = compQueued.frameDuration;" for some reason.


  • It doesn't seem to function properly... I've sequenced some layers needed to be exported separately from each other, I've setted the script to export based on the in/out of the layers and it keeps exporting the 2nd layer only, over and over again.
  • Sadly the fix doesn't work in 23 for me. Kinda random what it outputs. Original still works in 21 (throwing in an extra black frame at the end occasionally but that's a small price to pay for the 269 clips I just avoided having to render out individually).
  • Sadly the fix doesn't work in 23 for me. Kinda random what it outputs. Original still works in 21 (throwing in an extra black frame at the end occasionally but that's a small price to pay for the 269 clips I just avoided having to render out individually).
    Really? What should we do?