• I can't get it to work. I have it in ScriptUi Panels folder, I select the property with all its baked keyframes and hit SmartBake and nothing happens except that it changes diamond keyframes to circle keyframes.
  • Great script, thanks! Noticing interesting behavior. It runs really slow if AE is in the foreground, but navigate to another app on the Mac and its done instantly. 
  • Misha, try enabling the CAPS-LOCK while running the script.  That will prevent AE from trying to re-draw each frame.  This happens automatically when you switch to another app which is why you experienced that behavior.
  • I can't get it to work. I have it in ScriptUi Panels folder, I select the property with all its baked keyframes and hit SmartBake and nothing happens except that it changes diamond keyframes to circle keyframes.

    Same as Wendy, not working except making keyframes with no data
  • I have a suggestion that I would find hugely useful - it would be a huge time-saver for me if the baker was able to combine existing keyframes with added expressions on a property, and you could keep re-baking combined like that.
  • Doesn't work in CC 2014 and above... just does the same thing as the built in tool under Keyframe Assistant, creates circle keyframes for every frame.
  • Will this be updated for CC 2014 and CC 2015?

    The current version of the script crashes in CC 2014 ...
  • It seems to work for me but I wonder if it's possible to get it to work on multiple layers at the same time. I haver 93 layers and it wont save me any time if I have to select every Position, Scale and Rotation and run this script individually. 
  • For anyone having the "circle keyframes for every frame" problem in CC: open the script in Notepad (or similar) and comment out line 100. This line causes a problem which prevents the cleanup part of the script from running.
  • It does not work for me on AE 2014
  • For anyone having the "circle keyframes for every frame" problem in CC: open the script in Notepad (or similar) and comment out line 100. This line causes a problem which prevents the cleanup part of the script from running.
    which line exactly line number 100 , and who to comment out it ?

  • For anyone having the "circle keyframes for every frame" problem in CC: open the script in Notepad (or similar) and comment out line 100. This line causes a problem which prevents the cleanup part of the script from running.
    which line exactly line number 100 , and who to comment out it ?

    Sorry for the late answer, I don't visit this site that often. The line in question is 
    "prop.setSpatialAutoBezierAtKey(i, false);"
    Just put "//" in front of it and it should work... at least it did for me!
  • This plugin does not work in 2022, what is the alternative?