SpiderWeb C4D
  • Really Great ! How can i make it dynamic ? Thanks !
  • [Deleted User] said:
    Really Great ! How can i make it dynamic ? Thanks !

    there's no clean way to do it but here's one : 

    you can duplicate the generator, edit it and get the spline named "Frame Thread" (the contour)
    Use it on a Extrude nurbs with caps defined on triangle with regular grid. (small enough)

    edit the extrude, connect and delete the result and optimize.

    you have to scale the mesh a bit, so the spline is inside the mesh not on border.
    now you have to edit again the spiderweb generator, connect and delete all the splines.
    Apply a mesh deformer on the spiderweb using the mesh you created.


  • I love spiderweb and have always used with physical render, but I'm having issues now rendering with redshift, I can't find a way to get it working, I tried using the hair material, redshift object tag, any ideas on what should I do to render it in Redshift?

  • Hello, 

    I'm not a Redshift Expert. Seems that the Redshift object tag doesn't recognize the generator as a spline so you don't have the curve tab.

    By editing the spiderweb you should be able to render it. For the moment i don't see something else.

    i'll try do see if i can add something in the generator but i got a doubt.


    I love spiderweb and have always used with physical render, but I'm having issues now rendering with redshift, I can't find a way to get it working, I tried using the hair material, redshift object tag, any ideas on what should I do to render it in Redshift?


  • Hello, 

    I'm not a Redshift Expert. Seems that the Redshift object tag doesn't recognize the generator as a spline so you don't have the curve tab.

    By editing the spiderweb you should be able to render it. For the moment i don't see something else.

    i'll try do see if i can add something in the generator but i got a doubt.


    I love spiderweb and have always used with physical render, but I'm having issues now rendering with redshift, I can't find a way to get it working, I tried using the hair material, redshift object tag, any ideas on what should I do to render it in Redshift?


    Because on output this plugin gives something like Make Editable as currently it have null container named 'Spline' where all splines collected. To work it with Redshift you need to have single spline as you can get it with Connect + Delete command or Connect generator.
    So while this is not fixed by the greatest Manuel just drop Py Spiderweb Generator into Connect generator and RS Tag to it (on Connect) to have Curve available
  • Renders fine in the viewport but not in render view.
    Need to render out an animation, so unsure how to proceed.
  • hello, 

    what render are you using  and what c4d version ? 

  • It works with Cinema 4D R23?
  • We need new version for R25-26.. It's amazing plugin but now not working. 
  • Does not generate splines in R25 :-(
    Are there plans to update this to work in newer versions.
    FYI: If you get it working in 25 it will work in S26.
    I would love to buy this plugin as it's very useful!
  • Will it work in R26?
  • yup - R26 is not working :( looking forward tho :)
  • please for the love of all that is holy update this plugin!
  • please for the love of all that is holy update this plugin!
    Strong plus one for this! Please? Pretty please? Won't someone think of the R21+ spiders …
  • another request for r26 please!
  • Definitely not working with C4D24