Tracker Master
  • The trial is too limited. The 50 frame max track is'nt the issue. I ran into the max 3 generate results even before I had a clue what the 1st one of them did and how it worked.
  • Hello Miika

    You are right! I updated the trial so now you can generate 5 times before the trial warning. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

  • Hello Miika

    You are right! I updated the trial so now you can generate 5 times before the trial warning. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

    I think you should add the amount to 10-15 if not even more. Some of the features take time to even understand. If someone would like to use the trial to do actual stuff... the 50 frame limit is enough to kill the script for that kind of use :) Although just my opinion. 
  • Hello Miika

    You are right! I updated the trial so now you can generate 5 times before the trial warning. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

    I think you should add the amount to 10-15 if not even more. Some of the features take time to even understand. If someone would like to use the trial to do actual stuff... the 50 frame limit is enough to kill the script for that kind of use :) Although just my opinion. 
    I didn't even install for trial after seeing this limitation.
  • Why aren't you having more updates?
    please come back with this plugin and upgrade to after effects 2020
  • Why aren't you having more updates?
    please come back with this plugin and upgrade to after effects 2020
    Hi Ridley,
    Tracker Master 1.5 is on the way with bugs fixing and 3 major boosts:

    1) (under the hood)  greatly improved corner pins expressions prediction algorithm with quadrilateral rock solid projection.
    2) (under the hood) corners auto selection algorithm improved.
    3) (new feature) 3D tracked data to 2D tracks and masks conversion.

    Features coding is 95% over, but TM is very expression based, and After Effects 2019-2020 expression engine is brand new, so it needs a lot of testing and some code tweaking. It will be online before Christmas for sure :)

  • Why aren't you having more updates?
    please come back with this plugin and upgrade to after effects 2020
    Hi Ridley,
    Tracker Master 1.5 is on the way with bugs fixing and 3 major boosts:

    1) (under the hood)  greatly improved corner pins expressions prediction algorithm with quadrilateral rock solid projection.
    2) (under the hood) corners auto selection algorithm improved.
    3) (new feature) 3D tracked data to 2D tracks and masks conversion.

    Features coding is 95% over, but TM is very expression based, and After Effects 2019-2020 expression engine is brand new, so it needs a lot of testing and some code tweaking. It will be online before Christmas for sure :)

    When is TrackerMaster 1.5 available please ?