Would it be possible to script Zoom to Cursor?
  • I'm working on a project that has been tons and tons of maddening paint outs of tracking markers, and one of the things I've had to do a billion times is zoom in and out from a Full Frame view to a very close Zoomed view. 

    After Effects default behavior is to zoom from the center of the Comp viewer, which when you're zooming in and out a ton can become frustrating because you're constantly having to pan your view to keep your Area of Interest where you want it. 

    One of the (few) things I really miss from my Flame days is how Flame smoothly zooms in and out based on where your cursor is, so all you have to do is park your cursor over when you want to see and when you zoom it will zoom right up on it.

    I've posted this on the Adobe Prerelease Boards as a Feature Request, but also wanted to post it here in case it's potentially something that could be offered as a script.

    Would it be possible to script something that would give one the option of Zooming to the Cursor OR Zooming from the center?

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