Scatter Stuff Photoshop Extension
  • Hello, I'm very excited with that's very cool extension, but I think it will better, if we have "Spacing option" for it, how do you think about it?

    If it have "spacing option", we will have an abstracted cool layout with thing arrangement among them, some tiny thing on there or some big thing on here, not overlap like present.

    Big thanks and waiting from you!
  • As I understand the option should be called "Don't overlap"? Or something like that. So each object would be separated from others, like in their own square (by square I mean when you press ctrl+t on your keyboard you will get square selection around that object either it's rotated, scaled or whatever)?
  • As I understand the option should be called "Don't overlap"? Or something like that. So each object would be separated from others, like in their own square (by square I mean when you press ctrl+t on your keyboard you will get square selection around that object either it's rotated, scaled or whatever)?
    Yes, you got me, thanks :D