• Hi, Here is a question a bit outside the box... What is the name of the nice thin typeface you use in your videos? thanks, Doug

  • Hi, Here is a question a bit outside the box... What is the name of the nice thin typeface you use in your videos? thanks, Doug
  • Nice start with this plugin!

    Getting an error when I launch in AE2019 on OSX. "Unable to execute script at line 547. null is not an object"

    Also, it'd be great to be able to generate a single frame as most post houses we use for vfx shots want only a single frame slate. Thank you!
  • Nice start with this plugin!

    Getting an error when I launch in AE2019 on OSX. "Unable to execute script at line 547. null is not an object"

    Also, it'd be great to be able to generate a single frame as most post houses we use for vfx shots want only a single frame slate. Thank you!
    Thanks and nice suggestion for the single frame slate! Could you please put in support ticket for the error you seeing? 
  • Awesome plugin!!!!

    I've been looking for something like this for a while now. Such a time saver.

    Thanks David!

  • ANy chance you could make it work in premiere?
    ypu would sell a LOT more copies to editors...
  • ANy chance you could make it work in premiere?
    ypu would sell a LOT more copies to editors...
    I hope to get a Premiere version up at some point but unfortunately haven't gotten around to it. 

    That said, I actually use it in Premiere all the time via dynamic link since I'm generally creating all my graphics in After Effects anyways...

    What I do is create an AE composition to match my PR sequence dimensions and framerate. I'll then auto-generate my slate within that comp. Back in Premiere, I then select: File>Adobe Dynamic Link>Import After Effect Composition and select the slate comp to import...fairly quick and painless.

    One thing to be aware of...When generating a Slate in After Effects, a new composition is created which nests both the slate and your original video/animation (as to not disrupt your originally video/animation timeline). Because of this, you'll need to create your slate in AE first, then import it into Premiere via the dynamic link method above vs. creating a new After Effects dynamic link directly in Premiere and then generating the slate inside of it.

    Again, this method isn't ideal, but it is a temporary option (assuming you have After Effects of course).