Display to editable text box, or saving to a CSV file of an array
  • Hello

    I'm a bit of a newbie at AE scripting…

    Am trying to write a script that can output values of an array to a CSV spreadsheet. 

    (I need to produce spreadsheets of the in and out frames of each layer in the comps, and also the transparency and blending mode used).

    Upon finding writing to files to be very difficult, I downgraded to simply displaying the array in a dialogue box, one column at a time, from which I'd hope to manually copy and paste into my spreadsheet.

    However, have not succeeded even at that. The text box needs to be editable so that copying from it will be allowed by the OS. I've not yet managed to display a pre-populated editable text box… I'm just plain inexperienced.

    Could anybody kindly give me advice on how to do this… or even better (if you are so inclined) - provide a basic framework of code that would allow this (or the basic dumping of a (2 dimensional) array to a CSV spreadsheet file)?