• Hi-
    Script looks good, but unfortunately It doesn't seem to work when I apply it. The script gives me the two layers, but the Master Control layer has no effect on the shape layer. Then when I apply the expression that you used in th in the tutorial, I get an expression error message and the expression is disabled.

    I'm pasting in " me + 

    phaseOffset);value + 


    Is that correct? I don't have a lot experience with AE expressions, but I've never come across one that starts with "me +".  Am I missing something here? Would be great if you could elaborate on how the expression works or provide a project with it already applied.  Thanks.

  • I had the same issue, but I got the answer directly from the dev through a support ticket.
    Here is the said expression:

    xAmp = 40; 

    xFreq = .3; 

    xSpeed = 150; 

    wl = xSpeed/xFreq;

    phaseOffset = ((position[0]%wl)/wl)*2*Math.PI;

    y = xAmp*Math.sin(2*Math.PI*xFreq*time + phaseOffset);

    value + [0,y]

  • hmm thanks TTGT, but I still don't have my shape making a blob effect.. do you have any thoughts? it just floats up and down..