• I tried this and it does what it promises to do!

    The one thing I hoped it had, is a feature that would "unravel" the files to the selected folder. I mean I've been looking for a tool that could organize (unravel) folder's, but within the folder. This way I could throw stuff into various folders, keep the structure I've created, while a tool would organize stuff within those folders. Is this something that might come to unravel at some point? Ps. If something like this would be added, it would be cool if you could also select multiple folders,and Unravel would "unravel" the content to each of the selected folder per folder.
  • I tried this and it does what it promises to do!

    The one thing I hoped it had, is a feature that would "unravel" the files to the selected folder. I mean I've been looking for a tool that could organize (unravel) folder's, but within the folder. This way I could throw stuff into various folders, keep the structure I've created, while a tool would organize stuff within those folders. Is this something that might come to unravel at some point? Ps. If something like this would be added, it would be cool if you could also select multiple folders,and Unravel would "unravel" the content to each of the selected folder per folder.
    Hi Miika,
    thank you for your feedback. Your idea is something that I haven't thought of yet.
    But what happens subfolders? Will those be removed?

    A current work around could be to unravel a selected folder, then move the new created "_unraveled" -folder back into your folder structure and rename it accordingly. But this would just help for one folder not for multiple folders. Is this what you meant?

  • Kon Rei said:
    I tried this and it does what it promises to do!

    The one thing I hoped it had, is a feature that would "unravel" the files to the selected folder. I mean I've been looking for a tool that could organize (unravel) folder's, but within the folder. This way I could throw stuff into various folders, keep the structure I've created, while a tool would organize stuff within those folders. Is this something that might come to unravel at some point? Ps. If something like this would be added, it would be cool if you could also select multiple folders,and Unravel would "unravel" the content to each of the selected folder per folder.
    Hi Miika,
    thank you for your feedback. Your idea is something that I haven't thought of yet.
    But what happens subfolders? Will those be removed?

    A current work around could be to unravel a selected folder, then move the new created "_unraveled" -folder back into your folder structure and rename it accordingly. But this would just help for one folder not for multiple folders. Is this what you meant?

    Hi Kon,
    I would remove the subfolders from folders that are "unravelled". But it would be cool if you could unravel multiple folders at the time, while the "main folder/parent folder" would stay, but everything in it would be "unravelled". This is obviously something that should be an option and alternative to the current way of working, which might be the way you might use in some other scenario. The feature that would allow you to "unravel" multiple folders to their corresponding "main/parent folders" would possibly need one more checkbox as that would be the only way to make Unravel know if you want to Unravel selected folders/stuff/files into one folder or multiple folders. I think even the option to unravel stuff, but keep the stuff within the folder your unraveling would be enough. If in addition you would have a feature, where you could select multiple folders and each folder would be unravelled within those folders, that would be great feature too. But as mentioned even if I would need to unravel folder by folder, while keeping the unravelled stuff within that folder, it would be enough and what IMO would make Unravel a better tool.

    The workaround you described works, although it's not as efficient as it could be, if your looking to unravel something within a folder. My use case is that I have a specific structure with folders, but 1. importing through dynamic link 2. pre-comping 3. importing files etc. makes you end up in a situation where you might have lot of files/comps and it's a mess. If Unravel could "unravel" stuff within selected folder(s), it would be really helpful in situations like this. My projects may be so huge, that I have dozens of folders with dozens of comps/layers and Unravel could be the thing I've been looking for. There are tools like Unravel, but all of them basically wan't to organize everything under a single folder.

    If this feature is easily implementable, I would be happy to get Unravel! :)
  • I tried this and it does what it promises to do!

    The one thing I hoped it had, is a feature that would "unravel" the files to the selected folder. I mean I've been looking for a tool that could organize (unravel) folder's, but within the folder. This way I could throw stuff into various folders, keep the structure I've created, while a tool would organize stuff within those folders. Is this something that might come to unravel at some point? Ps. If something like this would be added, it would be cool if you could also select multiple folders,and Unravel would "unravel" the content to each of the selected folder per folder.
    Hi Miika,

    could you please create a support ticket as "Inspiration submission" referring this topic. https://aescripts.com/contact/
    I think I can implement this feature. My first approache gave good results.
    But I would like to move this discussion out of the comment section.

    Thank you,
  • Hi Kon, thanks for this plugin

    My feedback: we need a way to define personalized folder and subfolders structures and naming, that would be awesome
  • Hi Kon, thanks for this plugin

    My feedback: we need a way to define personalized folder and subfolders structures and naming, that would be awesome
    Hello Ricardo,

    thank you for your feedback. This is a complex request but I'd be happy to discuss it. Maybe I can work something out for a future update.
    Please create a support ticket "Inspiration submission" referring this topic. https://aescripts.com/contact/

  • This is spam. The link to the "official website" has nothing to do with the developer.
    The idea of an "unravel" feature that organizes the contents of folders within the folder structure is interesting. It could potentially streamline the process of managing and organizing files.

    To see if such a feature might be added to the tool you mentioned, I recommend reaching out to the developers or checking their official website for any announcements or updates regarding future features. They would be the best source of information about upcoming enhancements to the tool.

    Keep an eye out for any updates, and hopefully, the feature you suggested will be considered and implemented in the future.

  • Hello to all users of Unravel,

    a new update is ready. Version 1.2
    1. A bug was fixed which didn't save the preferences correctly.
    2. A request to make Unravel a Floating Panel has been answered. Moreover it is responsive. When resized in height it will only show the main button.
    3. A request has been answered to sort the elements inside a selected folder while keeping it inside this one. No new folder "_UNRAVELED" is created in this case.
