MP4 + Alpha Converter
  • Only works en after effects 2023? or other like 2020,2021,2022? thanks
  • Hello. The reason is that After Effects only outputs MP4 natively and without plugins from this version onwards. But if you install a plugin (like AfterCodecs) to output MP4 directly from After Effects then you can use it in any version. Cheers.
  • Hello. The reason is that After Effects only outputs MP4 natively and without plugins from this version onwards. But if you install a plugin to output MP4 directly from After Effects then you can use it in any version. Maybe in the future we'll add an option to output with Adobe Media Encoder, but we don't have plans for that yet. 
    I understand, of course, I can natively output mp4 since I use aftercodecs that allow me to do so. In this case, even if I can output mp4 from AE, it won't work?
  • Yes. With a plugin like this it works. You would only have to edit the included Output modules (names MP4AC_RGB and MP4AC_Alpha) and change the native MP4 CODEC from after to your plugin's codec.
  • Will this work on webm files with an alpha channel?
  • Hi. It works with any format you can import into After Effects. If you can to import webm into AE. But it is worth mentioning that my tool is for output and not input. OK? 
  • Is it possible to convert to mp4 with alpha only from mov or png and etc files? I would like to output to mp4 with alpha from the first project file, but it doesn't seem to work. It would be great to be able to output to mp4 with alpha directly, instead of having to encode the motion using shapelayer to mov and reimport it to mp4.
  • Is it possible to convert to mp4 with alpha only from mov or png and etc files? I would like to output to mp4 with alpha from the first project file, but it doesn't seem to work. It would be great to be able to output to mp4 with alpha directly, instead of having to encode the motion using shapelayer to mov and reimport it to mp4.
    Hello Lee.

    I didn't quite understand what you asked. But it sounds to me like you want to convert alpha video to MP4 files with an alpha channel embedded inside.

    But this is not possible with the MP4 format. Our tool allows this in the only way possible. Splitting the video into 2 MP4 files (RGB and Alpha) and putting them back together into a composition.

    All within after effects and automatically. From any video format and image sequence.
  • Thanks for the answer. I realized that mp4 doesn't support transparency. In premiere pro, it's easy to do with trackmats. So is there any way to convert the composition directly to 2 files(mp4 rgb and mp4 alpha) without encoding to mov and converting to mp4 through a plugin? I have to do it twice to convert to mp4 again after outputting from after effects in mov.
  • Hello Lee.
    Now I understand. During script development we considered adding that it would be possible to convert compositions as well, in addition to video assets.

    But we gave up when we realized that this could generate a lot of support tickets and complaints.

    The reason: is that unlike simple videos, in compositions you have the possibility to activate the "collapse" feature of the layer, which allows internal elements of the child comp (3d layers etc) to come to the parent comp. But when this child comp is replaced with a simple video, all these elements don't happen.

    I believe that many users have this awareness. But many may not. And this second group is the ones that could have problems and then complain to us. So this is the reason.

    But you can easily get around it like this:

    1. Create a new output module in some format that supports alpha (MOV animation etc), but set the following parameter: Main Options > Post-Render Action and choose: "Import & Replace Usage"

    2. Render your compositions using this Output Module. And your comps will be automatically replaced by the rendered videos.

    3. Now you can use our MP4 +Alpha Converter on these videos effectively.

    If you have questions or problems, just talk.
  • Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm very happy with your response.