Easy Slide Show
  • Been playing around with the settings for this, works really well! I'm just trying to find a way to extend the pause of each layer before it moves on to the next (the resting position not the speed of the transition). Is there a way to do this? I was looking at the sliders but there doesn't seem to be any option in there for this and the in the expressions I can't find any time parentheses.

  • Hi Scot,

    to extend the pause of each layer before it moves on to the next you can change the value of "rotateDuration" in the expression, see attached file. Ex : 0.2 (slower) and 0.8 (faster)



    484 x 256 - 62K
  • Whenever I create a slideshow the comp size is 872 x 486  - what am I doing wrong?
  • Hi Adrian,

    Sorry for the late reply, I'll look again at the code and I'll let you know.



  • Hi Adrian,

    In fact, I see where is the confusion, but as detailed on the document "Instructions.pdf" provide with the script , width and height defines the width and height of the images not the composition.

    Thank you for reporting this detail. When I have time, I will include this option in a new version of the script to choose the size of the composition.

    For now, to resize the composition to the desired size, please, for the compositions : Final, Main Cover and Reflection (if you have chosen a reflection) press CTRL + K or Command + K to select the same composition size.


  • Hi@all
    sorry for my english. 

    How we can change the script or AE-Expression to make the picture in front is
    zoom in and we go to next slide the front picture zoom out and the next Picture
    zoom in ...

    I will make when the Image is in front scale to >100%.

    I hope you can understand and help me please.

  • Hello, I'm working with After Effects CC 14.1. I have just purchased Easy Slideshow. When I activate the script, the popup window appears, but the CREATE button is absent. All the other buttons are present. So I'm not able to choose a folder and have the script to start.
    Do I something wrong or has it to do with my After Effects version?


  • Hi Theo,

    That is weird. I will look at and then coming back to you.


  • Hi Theo,

    I have checked the script in AE CC. The "Create" button is well there. Perhaps you have not pulled enough the window down to the bottom ?


    550 x 405 - 53K
  • Hi Michel,

    Thanks for your quick response. Unfortunately, the answer is not that simpel. I have made a screenshot with the Easy Slideshow window open. Maybe that gives you a better idea of what is happening.


    Thanks for your time,

  • Hi Theo,

    It's strange, do we have the same version AECC 2014.1 ?

    Have you place the script in the right folder ? ---> ScriptUI Panels

    487 x 267 - 23K
    563 x 441 - 32K
    684 x 150 - 28K
  • Hi Michael, I see on your picture that I'm not only missing the CREATE button, but also the RAM PREVIEW button.

    As you can see on the screenshot, I'm working with AECC 14.1 And yes, the sript is placed in the ScriptUI Panels folder. The size of the script is 156kb. Is that oke? I have re-downloaded the file to be sure that nothing has gone wrong with downloading. But also the new file is showing the same strange behaviour.

    I dont have problems with any other script I have tested. I have removed all the other scripts to be sure that they don't interfere with yours, but that makes no difference.

    My Windows is the dutch version. In the past I have had problems with Montage Magic, a script for Sony Vegas, because of the dutch version of Windows. It had something to do with the use of the . and the , . The author of the script made a little change to the code and since then it worked fine. Could that also play a role in your script?
  • Hi Theo,

    I will made some changes in the UI panel and i'll tell you when you can download it.


  • Hi Theo,

    You can download the .zip file again. I have made some change in the UI Panel to see if your version can display all the buttons. However the script is working exactly the same way.


  • Hi Michel,

    Thanks for your effords. It's highly appreciated. And I'm very happy to tell you that your new version of the script works fine! How did you do this? Was it again the . and the , that disturbed the script?
    Thanks a lot!

  • Hi Theo,

    I am glad to have found a solution. But, in fact, this is not really a new version of the script. For some reason unknown to me at the moment, the arrangement of panels in the script causes this result but only on the AECC version 14.1, on the AECC version 13.1 everything works fine with the initial release.


  • It's awasome that you could fix it so quick!
  • Hi Adrian,


    Thank you for reporting this detail. When I have time, I will include this option in a new version of the script to choose the size of the composition.


    Including in the next version also an option to set the framerate would also be great!
  • Hey team, I did the trial for this and it does not seem to work with AE anymore. Is this just an antiquated plugin or are there plans to update it for new versions? 
  • Every time I try to run the script, it asks for serial number and when I give it the serial number it doesnt work, and it asks for it again and again.