Plexus not appearing in 3d layers
  • to plexus, but I think something is wrong here...
    Plexus is only rendering points on 1 of my 3d layers....none of the others will render.

    I filed a support ticket so here is the description from it
    Plexus is not rendering point on my 3d layers...except one... My comp consists of a 2k image in 3d space (precomposed) and about 15 precomposed 500 pix 3d layes....plexus does not appear on those 3d layers. Also every other 3d layer I add does not render ponts lines ect... and using another 2k 3d layer also will not render points or anything... I have tries all sorts of collapse transforms ect...nothing works... I have attached a small version of the project thanks 

    Any help would be appreciated, as I am on a deadline as usual