• Hi - I'm having a problem where pt_textedit freezes at 74% complete when I try to search all comps.  I'm using version 1.11 on Adobe CS6, with the preferences set to allow writing to disk & network access.  I'm on OS X 10.5 Snow Leopard.  Any ideas?  I can send you the comp if it helps? Never had a problem in CS5.5, but can't compare this session as it was built in CS6...  Smaller selections work ok, only full selection seems to crash it.
  • Hi Thomas, yes please do send me the project that's causing the freeze and I'll look into it. Send it to [email protected]
  • Hi Paul,
    I am working in localization industry. I tried your solution and was really impressed. The UI is really good.
    I am interesting in your script because I am estimating localization of some video materials which contains a lot of textual resources. Also I would ask you is it possible to add to your script functional such as: Export text list into file and Import from the file. It will be very useful for localization.
  • Hi Serhiy, Glad to hear you like pt_TextEdit. I think it's unlikely that I would add that functionality to it, but I do have another script called pt_OpenSesame that already does this. The current version exports an entire AE project to a text file, with the option of creating a separate file just containing the text for easy editing. In the next version (coming soon) you'll have the option of just exporting the text which is closer to what you require.

    Another option might be this script: https://aescripts.com/compsfromspreadsheet/

  • Hello Paul,

    I am wrapping up a 26 ep animated childrens' interstitial series and there is a lot of typography in each of the animations. I have all the comps in one project and was hoping that I would be able to use your script to turn off all the text layers for a "textless" render for international distribution. There are about 4000 text layers throughout the project.

    The script is crashing when I try to turn the layers off using the "turn layers off" action. I have even tried just selecting 100 layers at a time with the same results. I have tried this on a mac and on a PC with the same results. I have also reduced the project to one episode (approx 200 text layers) per project and I get the same result. Is there anything you might recommend? This functionality was my principal reason for my purchase as turning these off manually will take me forever.
  • Hi Justin, If you contact me directly at [email protected] I'll try my best to help.