pt_EffectSearch 3
  • mac 64bit(mavericks) 
    aftereffect cc(12.1.0x168 release)

    don't work 'Select All' function

  • Hi Min, sorry for my slow reply. Yes unfortunately Select All doesn't work currently due to a bug in AE CC 12 (which introduced lots of scripting bugs). For now to select all, click to select the top item in the list, scroll to the bottom of the list, then shift-click the bottom item in the list.

    I tried to come up with a way to workaround the bug but ran into problems and was hoping Adobe might fix it in an update. That doesn't seem to be happening so I'll take another look to see if I can come up with a solution.
  • mac 64bit(mavericks) aftereffect cc(12.1.0x168 release)
    don't work 'Select All' function
    Please let adobe know that this bug is affecting you. The more users they hear from the more likely it is that they will fix it.  You can file the bug here:

  • And if you do, so you know what the bug is, it's that "clicking on a script's dropdown menu also causes the click to register on the UI underneath it". So what's happening in this case is it's running the code to select all the items, but then registering a click on the listbox below which is causing just that item to be selected. This is potentially a problem for any scripts that have dropdown menus that overlap other UI controls beneath them.
  • Apologies for a comment here rather than a proper bug report but I think the firewall at work is blocking my ability to submit through the proper channels.

    I've been getting an error on launch w/ textEdit, expressEdit and effectSearch in CC 2019 (16.1.11) on Windows 10.

    Happens when launching a panel from the Window menu, File > Scripts > Run Script file as well as when launching from kbar or rd_scriptLauncher.

    The CC 2018 install on my box seems to be working fine.

    Error message: "c.setDate() is undefined."

    Would love to see these fixed as I use all 3 of these scripts nearly daily.

    Thank you!
  • Hi Dan, Are you definitely running the latest versions? There was an issue with the versions before last which could result in launch errors.
  • Thank you for your speedy reply. :)

    Just pulled down the scripts today from "My downloads and licenses" in my account and made sure to choose the newer versions when available. 3.41 is the pt_effectSearch version I downloaded and the one that's giving me issues.

    I will re-download to make sure there's nothing being cached or read from an old AE install and report back if this changes anything. Is there a newer, non-incremental update that I might want to take a look at?
  • Hi Dan, If we can get you on a support ticket then I can send you a test version that may solve this. Can you try to open one again and if it doesn't work, let me know here what happens when you try.