pt_ExpressEdit 2
  • Hi Paul!
    Loving this plugin!

    Here is a feature suggestion:
    I would like to be able to search for a property without an expression on it, and then being able to turn on expressions for that property.
    For example, searching for "layername", sort by property, and then being able to turn on the position expression for all those layers. 

    I have a big project with hundreds of comps and would like to avoid having to go in to every comp to turn on expressions, so that I then can use this plugin to edit them(Of course if the project was made with expressions in mind from the start this would not be needed).

    Take it or leave it, maybe its to much work to implement, but I would for sure use it!

  • Hi André, it's a good idea. I just tried implementing it so open a support ticket if you'd like to try a work-in-progress version of that feature.